Things are about to change around our home! My husband and I are expecting our first baby! We are so very excited and eager to meet the little one coming this fall. Pregnancy is an amazing, beautiful thing. I've been around pregnant people, and have photographed them in all their glowing glory but actually being pregnant, carrying and growing a baby myself is something no-one can prepare you for. Some days are amazing and I feel gorgeous and radiant and other days are rougher. On the not so fun days I feel uncomfortable and ill, anxious and scared. I'm learning to embrace the good days along with the bad and to enjoy every moment of both. I've learned a lot in turning to my camera for some therapy. My lens sees me in ways sometimes I can't. Looking at these images from my self portrait sessions make me feel strong, in control and ready to face the next few months. I'm excited to have a collection of pictures at the end of this pregnancy, and I'm excited to turn my camera on this little one!

I hope to capture so many more great images through-out my pregnancy of the planning, preparing and the growing. Be sure and keep an eye on my blog, facebook page and website for all of the updates!